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Summer Sandals

We're in the heart of August -- where the sun shines a little brighter, the days remain long, and the world seems to radiate with an irresistible warmth. As we bask in the sun or mingle outdoors with family & friends, there's no denying that it's the season of effortless style and carefree comfort. What better way to embrace it than by complementing your look with the perfect pair of sandals?

When it comes to summer, or frankly any warm weather attire, I always reach for something easy to slip on and complete my look. They're a versatile option and don't largely discriminate when it comes to destination or occasion. So whether you're heading to the pool or a patio dinner, sandals effortlessly blend comfort and style.

In this blog post, find a round-up of my favorite summer sandals at the moment.

Neutral Slip-ons:

Fun (and a Little Funky) Sandals:

Happy shopping!

- Caroline

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